Category Archives: Podcasts

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 205 – Homicide for Hannah

One of Black Mask magazine’s popular writers from 1934-1939 was Dwight V. Babcock.  His stories were in keeping with the style developed by Joseph “Cap” Shaw of “hard and brittle” stories with naturalistic elements of street grit.  After his stint with Black Mask, Babcock wrote three novels involving “The Gorgeous Ghoul” Hannah Van Doren, who with her friend Joe Kirby… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 204 – Out of Control

A look at a writer of detective fiction who seems on the cusp of relative obscurity. Baynard Kendrick is actually a very good story-teller of mystery fiction. His Captain Duncan Maclain series of detective stories were very popular in the forties and Kendrick’s detective was relevant even into the 1970s. What makes his detective unique is that he is blind… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 203 – A Passage to Benares

A visit with author T.S. Stribling’s Psychologist-cum-detective, Henry Poggioli, PhD in a strangely fantastic detective melange that was meant to be the writer’s last Poggioli story. Enter into the realm of the current and after life of Poggioli as he unravels the mysterious death of a young Hindu maiden in a temple. An excellent story, and well written radio drama.… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 202 – The Green and Gold String

A Clairvoyant? Schemer? Detective? A look at one of British author Philip MacDonald’s (left) detectives – one of his lesser known ones – Dr. Alcazar, mentalist and sleuth. One of MacDonald’s short stories was dramatized over the radio series Suspense in 1957. I look briefly at author MacDonald, one of the thirties most popular mystery writers at the time, and… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 201 – Witness For the Prosecution

Up in this podcast, a look at the inverted detective story, thanks from a tip by Cameron Estep. Unfortunately, there isn’t a really good example on radio of one, but a close contender is a play from the Molle Mystery Theater via the AFRS Mystery Theater called “Witness for the Prosecution” based on a play and short story by Dame… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 200 – Tales of the Texas Rangers

A request to air a “western” detective series leads to Tales of the Texas Rangers. In reality it was a westernized police procedural created by Stacy Keach Sr.  It takes place in modern times, many of the stories coming from actual events (like Dragnet – only the names have been changed…) usually from the late forties, but takes place in… (more…)

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Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 199 – Bob Bailey and Johnny Dollar

I want to briefly examine Bob Bailey and Mandel Kramer in their roles as Johnny Dollar. Bailey left the show when it moved to New York due to his being turned down for a television version of the character. Jack Johnstone who successfully led Bailey to his star run as the character is also discussed with comments from Bailey’s daughter… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 198 – Philomel Cottage

A look at how suspense is built dramatically as described by Mitchell Wilson, novelist and critic, in 1947. This podcast will use Agatha Christie’s short story, “Philomel Cottage,” and compare it to Hitchcock’s Suspicion and Rebecca in how the initially weak protagonist reaches a level of fear in which the reader/listener empathizes before either becoming strong by the experience and… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 197 – The Fountain Plays

From the Dorothy L. Sayers collection of short stories – Hangman’s Holiday – this adapted version of “The Fountain Plays” on the Suspense radio program from August 1943. Adapted by Robert L. Richards, well respected radio scripter of horror pieces such as “The House in Cypress Canyon,” comes this fair translation of the Sayers’ story starring Edmund Gwen as Mr.… (more…)