Tag Archives: Les Tremayne

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 264 – New Adventures of the Thin Man

Prior to either of the two series I featured over the last two podcasts, one which began as a single fictional story, moved to film, then radio, for the most part maintained the female lead role in pretty much the same fashion of the time. This was the Dashiell Hammett story titled “The Thin Man.” The role of women in… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 263 – Adventures of the Abbotts

Part two of a look at Husband/Wife detective duos and the role women played in the dramas. The Adventures of the Abbotts was the model for the last podcast offering – It’s a Crime, Mr. Collins and the drama on the former is much meatier and overall better played. The scripts were written by Howard Merrill, a former actor and… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 26 – The Falcon

When fiction writer Michael Arlen began writing it was the time of the “Roaring Twenties” and “the Jazz Age.” In 1940, he wrote a short story for Town and Country Magazine called “Gay Falcon” about a freelance adventurer and troubleshooter whose fullname was Gay Stanhope Falcon. The story was immediately purchased by RKO for a film starring George Sanders as… (more…)