Tag Archives: Philip Marlowe

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 245 – Adventures of Mike Shayne

During the decade of the 1940s Private Detectives on radio made a decided turn from the lighter, somewhat cozy fictional character such as Ellery Queen, Nero Wolfe and Sherlock Holmes to the more hardboiled versions of Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe and others. Just why this occurred is examined in this podcast along with an episode of Michael Shayne BEFORE the… (more…)

Radio Detective Story Hour Episode 217 – Philip Marlowe

A look at the writer, Raymond Chandler. He is considered one of several innovators of the hardboiled American detective story. Most readers know Chandler from his iconic detective – Philip Marlowe. However, the author wrote a number of other stories using other detectives living on hard times. While Dashiell Hammett was a big influence on the writer, Frederick Nebel, another… (more…)